"Hi everyone! Hola a todos. My name is Mr Pea y juntos vamos a aprender a hablar en inglés. Hoy os traigo un nuevo ejercicio de listening gracias a mi gran amiga Liza. Hi Liza!

"Hi, Mr Pea. Hoy os traigo una historia sobre lo que le sucedió a mi amigo Jack en su primer día como taxista"

"Oh! Genial, Liza. Después de escuchar la historia, os haremos unas preguntas para ver si la habéis comprendido. ¿Estáis preparadas y preparados? Here we go!

It was Jack's first day driving a cab. He was excited, but nervous at the same time. His first customer, Sarah, asked for a ride to the airport.

Jack happily said "Sure!" and started driving. But he took a wrong turn and ended up at the train station.

"Oh no, sorry about that!" Jack said embarrassed as he turned the taxi around.

Next he thought he was going to the airport, but instead he ended up in front of the public library.

"Is this the airport?" Sarah asked, looking confused.

"Oops, wrong place again!" Jack laughed nervously and scratched his head.

Trying to make up for his mistakes, Jack drove in what he thought was the right direction, only to arrive at City Hall.

"Are you sure this is the airport?" Sarah asked, sounding uncertain.

"Oh no! I'm confused again!" Jack exclaimed.

Finally, Jack double-checked his GPS and managed to find the correct route. With a sigh of relief, he arrived at the airport in time to catch Sarah's flight.

We made it!" Jack exclaimed, feeling both relieved and embarrassed.

Sarah smiled kindly, "No worries, it was an adventure! Thanks for the ride."

As Sarah disappeared into the airport, Jack couldn't help but laugh about his eventful first day on the job. He decided not to charge Sarah for the ride. It was his treat for the confusion.

-Y, ahora, Liza os hará unas preguntas para ver si lo habéis comprendido. Si no las sabes todas, no te preocupes. Os volveremos a poner la historia, esta vez con los subtítulos.

-Vamos allá:

   1.Where did Jack accidentally take Sarah the first time?

a) To the train station

b) To the public library

c) To the airport

2.How many times did Jack make a mistake before going to the airport?

a) Once

b) Twice

c) Three times

3. What did Sarah say when Jack arrived at City Hall instead of the airport?

a) "Thank you for the ride."

b) "Are you sure this is the airport?"

c) "Oops, wrong place again!"

4. How did Jack feel when they arrived at the airport?

a) Relieved and embarrassed

b) Confused and frustrated

c) Angry and annoyed

5. What decision did Jack make at the end of the taxi ride?

aTo charge Sarah for the ride.

b) Not to charge Sarah for the ride.

c) To quit the job.

Vamos a volver a poner el texto, esta vez con subtítulos para que os ayude a completar las respuestas que no habéis contestado.


Y ahora sí, aquí tenéis las respuestas:

 La repuesta a la pregunta 1. "Where did Jack accidentally take Sarah the first time?" es...

a) To the train station

 La repuesta a la pregunta 2."How many times did Jack make a mistake before going to the airport?" es...

c) Three times

 La repuesta a la pregunta 3. "What did Sarah say when Jack arrived at City Hall instead of the airport?" es...

b) "Are you sure this is the airport?"

 La repuesta a la pregunta 4. "How did Jack feel when they arrived at the airport?" es...

a) Relieved and embarrassed

 La repuesta a la pregunta 5. "What decision did Jack make at the end of the taxi ride?" es...

b) Not charge Sarah for the ride.

Y esto ha sido todo. ¿Habéis acertado todas? ¿Qué os ha parecido el ejercicio de hoy? Espero que os haya gustado. Liza, muchísimas gracias por tu trabajo.

Gracias a ti, Mr Pea

No te olvides de darle al like y suscribirte a mi canal. Con este pequeño gesto haces que este proyecto siga creciendo y que llegue a más estudiantes de inglés como tú. Nos vemos muy pronto. Bye bye!!!

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Hi everyone! Hola a todos. My name is Mr. Pea y juntos vamos a aprender a hablar en inglés. En esta web encontrarás muchísimos temas y ejerc...